
[轉載] Aptana Scripting Global.js Document

轉載自:Koders Code Search: Global.js - JavaScript
 * Global.js
 * Adding this file to your Active Libraries will give you code assist for the
 * Aptana Studio scripting engine.
 * @author Kevin Lindsey
 * @version 1.0
 * Properties

 * Retrieve the Editors object to access editors and editor events
 * @type {Editors} Returns the global Editors object
var editors = {};

 * Retrieve the error print stream.
 * @type {PrintStream} Returns the output stream used to display errors
var err = {};

 * This is a reference to the only instance of this object. All scripts run in
 * their own protected scope. However, this Global is accessible from all
 * scripts. Properties placed on "global" will be accessible to all scripts
 * @type {Global} Returns a reference to the global scope
var global = {};

 * Retrieve the Menus object to access menus and menu events
 * @type {Menus} Returns the global Menus object
var menus = {};

 * Retrieve the standard output print stream.
 * @type {PrintStream} Returns the standard output stream
var out = {};

 * Retrieve the View object to access views and view events
 * @type {Views} Returns the global Views object
var views = {};

 * Methods

 * Display an alert dialog with the given message
 * @param {String} message
 *      The message to display in the dialog
var alert = function(message) {};

 * Execute a string in the current shell. This is experimental and may be
 * removed in a future version of the scripting environment
 * @param {String} command
 *      The command to execute in the shell
 * @return {Object} Returns an object with the following properties: code,
 *      stdout, stderr. Code is the return code from the command. Stdout
 *      contains any text that was emitted to standard out while it was
 *      executing. Likewise, stderr contains any errors that were emitted.
var execute = function(command) {};

 * Call Java's System.getProperty.
 * @param {String} property
 *      The name of the property to retrieve
 * @return {String} Returns the specified property value or the string
 *      "undefined" if the property does not exist
var getProperty = function(property) {};

 * Include a JavaScript file into the current script's scope. this is used to 
 * load dependent libraries into the script that invokes this function.
 * @param {String} filename
 *      The name of the file to include in the script
var include = function(filename) {};

 * Load a library into the scripting environment. Each script loaded with this
 * function will be assigned a unique ID and, if it exists, the init() function
 * will be invoked. This gives each script the ability to initialize itself and
 * to setup any event listeners it wishes to subscribe to.
 * Each script will exist in its own scope; however, this Global is also
 * included in the scope chain. All variables and functions defined in the
 * script will not collide with any other scripts.
 * Shared properties can be placed on the "global" property. All scripts loaded
 * via this function will then be able to see those properties. This can be
 * used to share data between scripts.
 * @param {String} filename
 *      The file system path to the script to load
 * @return {String} Returns a unique string identifier for the loaded script.
 *      This identifier can be used later to invoke functions within the
 *      script; however, this is more for internal use at this point. If the
 *      script fails to load, this will return undefined.
var loadBundle = function(filename) {};




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