2011-12-21 15:05

[轉載] Aptana Scripting File.js Class Document

轉載自:Koders Code Search: File.js - JavaScript
 * File.js
 * Adding this file to your Active Libraries will give you code assist for the
 * Aptana Studio scripting engine.
 * @author Kevin Lindsey
 * @version 1.0

 * This object represents a file or a directory in the file system
 * @constructor
 * @param {String} name
 *      The relative or absolute path to a file or directory
function File(name) {}

 * Properties

 * Get the absolute path for this file or directory
 * @type {String} Returns the absolute path to this file or directory
File.prototype.absolutePath = "";

 * Get the file's base name. This is the filename only without the extension.
 * If the file does not have an extension, then this will return the full
 * name
 * @type {String} Returns this file's base name
File.prototype.baseName = "";

 * Determine if this file is readable
 * @type {Boolean} Returns true if this File is readable
File.prototype.canRead = false;

 * Determine if ths file is writable
 * @type {Boolean} Returns true if this File is writable
File.prototype.canWrite = false;

 * Determine if this file or directory exists in the file system
 * @type {Boolean} Returns true if this File exists in the file system
File.prototype.exists = false;

 * Returns the file extension of this File
 * @type {String} Returns the last instance of "." and the text after it.
 *      An empty string will be returned if no extension if found. The return
 *      value includes the '.'
File.prototype.extension = "";

 * Determines if thie File is a file in the file system
 * @type {Boolean} Returns true if this File is a file in the file system
File.prototype.isFile = false;

 * Determines if this File is a directory in the file system
 * @type {Boolean} Returns true if this File is a directory in the file
 *      system
File.prototype.isDirectory = false;

 * Returns a list of File objects for all files in the File. This is equivalent
 * to listing out all files in a directory
 * @type {Array} Returns an array of File objects, one for each file and
 *      directory in this File
File.prototype.list = [];

 * Returns the file's name without path information
 * @type {String} Returns the file's name
File.prototype.name = "";

 * Returns a new File object of this object's parent directory
 * @type {File} Returns this file's parent File
File.prototype.parentFile = {};

 * Returns the character used to separate directories on the underlying OS
 * @type {String} Returns the directory separator
File.prototype.separator = "";

 * Methods

 * Create a new file in the file system at the location specified by this
 * object
 * @return {Boolean} Returns true if the file was created successfully.
File.prototype.createNewFile = function() {};

 * Return all lines from this File's text file
 * @return {Array} Returns an array of strings, one for each line in the file.
File.prototype.readLines = function() {};


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