2011-12-21 15:05

[轉載] Aptana Scripting PrintStream.js Class Document

轉載自:Koders Code Search: PrintStream.js - JavaScript
 * PrintStream.js
 * Adding this file to your Active Libraries will give you code assist for the
 * Aptana Studio scripting engine.
 * @author Kevin Lindsey
 * @version 1.0

 * This object represents an underlying Java PrintStream
 * @constructor
function PrintStream() {}

 * Methods

 * Print the given text to the underlying stream
 * @param {String} text
 *      The text to send to the stream
PrintStream.prototype.print = function(text) {};

 * Print the given text to the underlying stream followed by end-of-line
 * @param {String} text
 *      The text to send to the stream
PrintStream.prototype.println = function(text) {};


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